


I’m a craftsman working primarily in wood and metal near my home in west central Missouri. While mostly self taught (there’s really no such thing), I’ve been manipulating materials since grandma handed me a can of nails, a small hammer and pointed to a tree stump outside the back door. Still have that hammer in my night stand.

My driving principle is to live as literally as possible; A Less Algebraic Life™ and choosing to work in the making of things is one manifestation of that. Understanding materials, moving them to purpose for the end user, honoring the lives of the creatures, preceding craftsmen and other makers are all part of my motivation.

As a self perceived pragmatic Midwesterner of humble origin, I’ve spent most of my life closeted as an artist. I’m still reluctant to accept the characterization, even with the evidence of my folly, the work and the repeated claims of my clients. It is what it is.

As for my process, it seems to be stubbornly client driven. I’ve made several attempts to make speculative pieces over the years but absent a willing co-conspirator I seldom make more than the occasional piece for myself. I enjoy a motivated client.

My experience has been ground up, starting with that poor stump, cutting out stove parts with my grandpa, goofy bicycle experiments throughout childhood, frozen pipes, welding pig shit covered gates in my teens, barn building, curved stairs, sculpted copper handrails and so on. It builds, stacks and a little of the prior is incorporated in every project.

I’m thankful for the “chance”, every day, no matter the difficulty. I’m a big fan of the opportunity and usually willing to share in the experience of creating with those interested and game.

Nigel Best